Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Today we entered Colorado. Tomorrow we start the Rockies.

The day went pretty well. Not too long and the wind wasn’t too bad. We’re staying in the town of Dolores, CO. A really nice town at the base of the Rockies. We’re staying in the High School gym and the local Catholic Church made us dinner. During the dinner, Van and I gave a talk about poverty and health. It seemed to go over well – the members of the church are really active in local poverty issues.

Random fact – tumbleweed is an invasive plant brought over from Russia.

Downtown Dolores
Samara, Steph and Jen at Karaoke in Monticello, UT.
Cory and Kel in the gym where we're staying.

1 comment:

nikki said...

Bike like you stole it!!!